Jumaat, 2 Januari 2015

PACIFIC TEMPERATE RAINFOREST The rainforest is characterized by heavy rains and moderate temperatures. Of course it will be quite humid here because of the rains. It is delineated by the World Wildlife Fund. You can find both the ocean and a forest here so it is open to a lot of different species in the animal kingdom. The forest has seen a lot of timber being cut and sold which is a major concern for the conservation groups. Deforestation is one of the major causes of global warming, which happens to be a very important environmental issue these days. Save trees people and save the planet. SANTA ELENA CLOUD FOREST RESERVE This place is a heaven and is known as a terrain of cloud forest. You will see a lush garden of mosses, ferns, flowers and epiphytes on literally every tree. With the clouds drifting really low, it is beautiful and scary at the same time. The clouds serve as a source of continuous moisture for the plants to nurture and grow which is absolutely remarkable. Hire and guide and walk through this amazing place and you will be awed.

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