Khamis, 1 Januari 2015

1. Philippine Sea – 5,177,762 Philippine Sea is the largest sea in the world. Philippine Sea is a marginal sea east and north of the Philippines occupying an estimated surface area of 2 million km ² (5 million km ²) in the western North Pacific Ocean. Philippine Sea is the world’s largest ocean. This is largest sea. 2. Coral Sea – 4.791 million Coral Sea is the largest sea second exactly. Coral Sea as one of the largest sea is the marginal sea off the coast of northeastern Australia. It is bounded on the west by the east coast of Queensland, thereby including the Great Barrier Reef, on the east by Vanuatu (formerly New Hebrides) and New Caledonia, and in the north to around the southern tip of the Solomon Islands. 3. Arabian Sea – 3.862 million Arabian Sea was in third place as the largest sea. The surface area of the Arabian Sea is the largest sea around 3.862 million km2 (1.49113 million sq mi). The maximum width of the Arabian Sea is about 2,400 km (1490 miles), and maximum depth is 4652 meters (15 262 feet), the Arab Basin at approximately the same latitude as the southern tip of India.

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